Yes, we're in the baseball business, but the Bulls are very much a part of NC's hospitality industry. Accordingly, I make note of Governor Perdue's report on visitor spending to the Gov's Conference on Tourism and Hospitality meeting today in Asheville.
Did you realize that NC is the sixth most visited state in the nation? We hosted 37 million guests last year. And despite the sluggish economy, visitors spent a record $17 billion last year. The previous record was $16.8 billion in 2008. We're blessed to live and do business in NC!
This reminded me of a 2007-08 study on the impact of Minor League ball in NC...$47 million in added value to the state's economy by our ten MiLB clubs. (Click here for the report.)
Now, I'm wondering about the impact of gas prices. Will that be good for the Bulls as folks seek entertainment closer to home? ...or will people simply travel less? It's hard to predict. We felt the 2008 spike in gas prices hurt us at the box office, yet we fared pretty well during the recession.
I'm reluctant to use the word "cheap" - it doesn't have a nice ring to it - but it does seem our patrons recognize that a night at the DBAP is downright cheap compared to the other options for a family outing. $54 for a family of four including 2 sodas, 4 dogs and 2 brewskis. Check out the Fan Cost Index.
And scan the landscape: According to Team Marketing Report, average ticket prices in each of the four major American sports range from $26 (Major League Baseball) to $75 (National Football League). The growing popularity of 3D films is pushing average movie ticket prices toward the $15 mark.
...so I'm feeling pretty good about $8.00 Bulls' tickets! A hospitality value. Take a look at our ticket options for the 2011 season.