How sweet it is! Another NCAA basketball championship for Duke University. Congratz to the Blue Devils!
The Duke vs. Butler match-up was a compelling David and Goliath storyline and a fantastic game. The TV ratings were in the championship category, too.
CBS is bragging that 25% of the US television audience was watching Monday night - a 30% improvement over the UNC championship game last year. The real ratings story is here in the hoops-crazy Triangle.
WRAL TV5 had a 46% share – almost double the national average! That was the third highest in the nation based on the Nielsen overnight ratings on Monday. The high water mark during the local telecast actually reached 58%. Whoa!

You won’t be too surprised by those ahead of us. Louisville, another community with a serious basketball jones, posted a slightly higher 48%. Take a wild guess at number one??? Indy, of course, with a whoppin’ 65% audience share.
Here’s the box score – the Top Ten – from CBS: