cards were invented over 100 years ago right here in Durham! ...to sell
tobacco! (The most heralded card, circa 1910, bears the likeness of Pittsburgh's Honus Wagner. It sold at auction for over two million dollars!)
deserves some hometown attention. And the Museum of Durham History is mounting
a unique baseball card exhibit here at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park and in their own space
at 500 West Main, timed for Opening Day 2016. Check out their website for details.
at the DBAP, the Museum has created a display for our food court. That's taking
history to the people!
A shout-out to Katie Spencer, Executive Director of the Museum of Durham History, and Board Member Renee Synderman for bringing us this idea...for putting a contemporary twist on century-old subject matter. We got caught up in their enthusiasm and provided a grant for the exhibition.