"...the genius of Project Homeless Connect is that it remembers that people need more than material incentives, and that having a community and a network of personal connections is the strongest defense against homelessness."
(Herald-Sun Editorial)
We hosted Project Homeless Connect last Thursday. While Durham has made a civic pledge to end homelessness, the problem is a BIG one. (Durham's Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness) According to an HUD study last fall, almost 3500 people sought emergency shelter or transitional housing in Durham during a 12-month period.
- 12% of the homeless in Durham are children
- 18% of homeless adults are veterans
- 34% of homeless Durham adults indicate that unemployment is the primary cause
- 14% of Durham’s homeless people are employed
- 76% of homeless adults in Durham report having been diagnosed with a disability or long-term illness
The Herald-Sun provided detailed (and thought-provoking) coverage of the DBAP event. Check it out: