Project Homeless Connect made some serious connections at the DBAP on October 7th. The ballpark was transformed into a service center for the community’s homeless…and connections were made for housing, healthcare, jobs, food, clothing and counseling.
PHC was a big success, but that’s a double edge sword. Yes, copious aid was dispensed…but lots of assistance is needed due to the weak economy. Additionally, there are more vets on the street due to war in Iran and Afghanistan.
Dawn Baumgartner Vaughn tells the story in the Herald-Sun. Click here.

We needed a little levity, because the stats around homelessness are sobering:
- 1,992 Durham homes entered foreclosure in the past year – a 27% increase over the previous year
- 40,000 Durham households are “at risk” according to the US Census Bureau
- 535 Durham County children experienced periods of homelessness during the last school year