It’s an immutable law of Internet promotion that pet photos hype web traffic. And this is a shameless attempt to boost my blog’s circulation.
For last Sunday’s game, the Durham Bulls teamed up with the Wake SPCA, the Animal Protection Society of Durham, and Paws4Ever (Orange Co.) to present Bark at the Park.
Dog lovin’ Bulls’ patrons had the opportunity to bring their pets to the game and watch from the Diamond View II plaza atop the Blue Monster. Best seats in the house!
There were myriad insurance and health code concerns that kept the pooches out of the main seating bowl. (I overheard several dogs complaining that they couldn’t get a beer. Yes, I’m a dog whisperer.)
So, here are the pix. Please tell a friend that my blog is awash in canine cuteness.

Thanks to pet paparazzi Lea Johnson of the Bulls staff for these exclusive photos of the event.